Original Press Release »

A couple of months ago, Kitsap Transit added a third route in Poulsbo…and ridership on all three routes increased by 13 percent in the first month—more than 40 percent on the first Saturday.

“I’ve watched transit ridership grow in most Puget Sound communities, but not ours,” explains Mayor Becky Erickson. “I’ve been working with John Clauson at Kitsap Transit for a while, trying to design a route that was so dependable, so convenient, so affordable that it makes it an easy choice for people who have never before been bus riders.

“Our city is nearly 10-thousand people, and we’ll likely be 13-thousand by 2025. I think it’s important to plan for congestion on our roads and parking lots now—so we don’t face problems in the future. The Loop is a good first step.”

The Loop is the nickname of that new route, Bus #44. It makes a 30-minute circle through the busiest spots in Poulsbo and is a remarkably easy way to get things done. You’ll pass the library, Central Market, the downtown waterfront, Wal-Mart, Olympic College, Albertson’s, Home Depot, most banks, and everything in between. Get off wherever you please, completing your list of errands, appointments, visits, and meetings. The bus will be back every half hour, and you’re ready to head home.